%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% %% http://www.research.att.com/~njas/sequences/A089840p.txt %% %% %% %% A set of Prolog-definitions that illustrate how the first rows %% %% of A089840 are produced. %% %% %% %% Written by Antti Karttunen, 2003, http://www.iki.fi/~kartturi/ %% %% %% %% Last edited December 5, 2003. %% %% %% %% This works with GNU prolog http://www.gnu.org/software/prolog %% %% %% %% Load as: %% %% consult('./A089840p.txt'). %% %% then "execute" with: %% %% findall([G|S],signatperm(G,64,S),GMs_with_their_sigperms). %% %% or: findall([G|S],signatperm(G,196,S),GMs_with_their_sigperms). %% %% %% %% For the C-implementation of these same gatomorphisms, see: %% %% from http://www.research.att.com/~njas/sequences/gatonore.c.txt %% %% %% %% For the Scheme implementation, see: %% %% http://www.iki.fi/~kartturi/matikka/Nekomorphisms/gatomorf.htm %% %% http://www.iki.fi/~kartturi/matikka/Nekomorphisms/gatomorf.scm %% %% %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Definitions: % % Non-recursive "gatomorphism" is such an automorphism of unlabeled, % rooted plane binary trees (cf. A014486) whose behaviour is always, % even when acting on infinite trees, determined by the information % obtained from the finite set of nodes situated at finite distances % from the root. % Note that the only information the nodes contain (being unlabeled) % is whether they are leaves (terminal nodes), or whether they are % "internal" nodes, branching to further subtrees to the left and to % the right. % % Clause-representation of a non-recursive gatomorphism is a sequence % of zero or more "clauses" followed by a default clause. % In this Prolog-implementation a "clause" is literally a Prolog clause % (a.k.a. "rule") whose body is a conjunctive query of cons-clauses, % defined below. % The two-way "cons" is a clause which either "cleaves" open an existing % cons cell (i.e. a branching node of the binary tree with its left and % right sides), or constructs a new one, from the given left and right % subtrees: cons(CAR,CDR,[CAR|CDR]). % That is: if the first and the second argument are instantiated, % constructs a new cons cell (to be placed to the third, % uninstantiated argument), with CAR as its left subtree, % and CDR as its right subtree. % If the first and the second argument are uninstantiated, % but the third one is instantiated, then obtain its % left side (CAR) and its right side (CDR), and place % them to the first and second arguments. % Examples of simple non-recursive gatomorphisms follow. % From each (after the trivial identity permutation gma001477) % we list its % defining CLAUSE-sequence structure % from http://www.research.att.com/~njas/sequences/gatonore.c.txt % % its effects on Lisp/Scheme dotted-pairs, % % and on the rooted plane binary trees illustrated with simple ASCII art, % % and its defining Prolog-clause definition, with deliberate use of red cuts. % The "opening" conses are given above the % -- comment line, % and the "closing" ones below it. % % Each Prolog-definition ends with the "catch-all" default clause % of the form gmaxxxxx(X,X). which will fix all those S-expressions % which were not handled by any previous clauses (i.e. those above it). % The four numbers for each non-default clause in clause sequences % refer to the size of the tree (number of internal nodes opened (closed)), % the local rank of the source tree, % the local rank of the destination tree, % the rank of the permutation used in the labels of destination tree. % The ranks of source and destination trees employ the standard % lexicographic ranking order as employed in the OEIS entry A014486. % For permutations we use the unranking/ranking system as illustrated % by the entry A060118 in OEIS, which works like this: % (permute-a060118 (vector 'a 'b 'c) 3 0) --> #(a b c) % (permute-a060118 (vector 'a 'b 'c) 3 1) --> #(b a c) % (permute-a060118 (vector 'a 'b 'c) 3 2) --> #(a c b) % (permute-a060118 (vector 'a 'b 'c) 3 3) --> #(b c a) % (permute-a060118 (vector 'a 'b 'c) 3 4) --> #(c b a) % (permute-a060118 (vector 'a 'b 'c) 3 5) --> #(c a b) % See also: http://www.iki.fi/~kartturi/matikka/Nekomorphisms/gatogenp.scm %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% %% One non-recursive gatomorphism with 0 non-default clauses %% %% and 0 opening (closing) conses. %% %% %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % CLAUSE gmA001477[] = { CLAUSESEQ_begin(0,0) }; /* A089840[0] */ gma001477(X,X). %% Only the default clause, the Identity which fixes everything. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% %% One non-recursive gatomorphism with 1 non-default clause of %% %% 1 opening (closing) cons: %% %% %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % CLAUSE gmA069770[] = { CLAUSESEQ_begin(1,1), { 1, 0, 0, 1 } };/*A089840[1] */ % (a . b) --> (b . a) % % A B --> B A % \ / \ / % X0 Y0 gma069770(X0,Y0) :- cons(A,B,X0), % -- cons(B,A,Y0), !. gma069770(X,X). %% The default clause, fix S-exprs (here just []) the above clause could not handle. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% %% 10 non-recursive gatomorphisms with one non-default clause of %% %% two opening (closing) conses: %% %% %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % CLAUSE gmA072796[] = { CLAUSESEQ_begin(3,1), { 2, 0, 0, 1 } };/* A089840[2] */ % (a . (b . c)) --> (b . (a . c)) % % B C A C % \ / \ / % A X1 --> B Y1 % \ / \ / % X0 Y0 gma072796(X0,Y0) :- cons(A,X1,X0), cons(B,C,X1), % -- cons(A,C,Y1), cons(B,Y1,Y0), !. gma072796(X,X). %% Fix [] and S-exprs of length 1. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % CLAUSE gmA089850[] = { CLAUSESEQ_begin(3,1), { 2, 0, 0, 2 } };/*A089840[3] */ % (a . (b . c)) --> (a . (c . b)) % % B C C B % \ / \ / % A X1 --> A Y1 % \ / \ / % X0 Y0 gma089850(X0,Y0) :- cons(A,X1,X0), cons(B,C,X1), % -- cons(C,B,Y1), cons(A,Y1,Y0), !. gma089850(X,X). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% CLAUSE gmA089851[] = { CLAUSESEQ_begin(3,1), { 2, 0, 0, 3 } };/* A089840[4] */ % % B C C A % \ / \ / % A X1 --> B Y1 % \ / \ / % X0 Y0 gma089851(X0,Y0) :- cons(A,X1,X0), cons(B,C,X1), % -- cons(C,A,Y1), cons(B,Y1,Y0), !. gma089851(X,X). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% CLAUSE gmA089852[] = { CLAUSESEQ_begin(3,1), { 2, 0, 0, 4 } };/* A089840[5] */ % % B C B A % \ / \ / % A X1 --> C Y1 % \ / \ / % X0 Y0 gma089852(X0,Y0) :- cons(A,X1,X0), cons(B,C,X1), % -- cons(B,A,Y1), cons(C,Y1,Y0), !. gma089852(X,X). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% CLAUSE gmA089853[] = { CLAUSESEQ_begin(3,1), { 2, 0, 0, 5 } };/* A089840[6] */ % (a . (b . c)) --> (c . (a . b)) % % B C A B % \ / \ / % A X1 --> C Y1 % \ / \ / % X0 Y0 gma089853(X0,Y0) :- cons(A,X1,X0), cons(B,C,X1), % -- cons(A,B,Y1), cons(C,Y1,Y0), !. gma089853(X,X). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % CLAUSE gmA089854[] = { CLAUSESEQ_begin(3,1), { 2, 1, 1, 1 } };/* A089840[7] */ % ((a . b) . c) --> ((b . a) . c) % % % A B B A % \ / \ / % X1 C --> Y1 C % \ / \ / % X0 Y0 gma089854(X0,Y0) :- cons(X1,C,X0), cons(A,B,X1), % -- cons(B,A,Y1), cons(Y1,C,Y0), !. gma089854(X,X). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% CLAUSE gmA072797[] = { CLAUSESEQ_begin(3,1), { 2, 1, 1, 2 } };/* A089840[8] */ % ((a . b) . c) --> ((a . c) . b) % % % A B A C % \ / \ / % X1 C --> Y1 B % \ / \ / % X0 Y0 gma072797(X0,Y0) :- cons(X1,C,X0), cons(A,B,X1), % -- cons(A,C,Y1), cons(Y1,B,Y0), !. gma072797(X,X). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % CLAUSE gmA089855[] = { CLAUSESEQ_begin(3,1), { 2, 1, 1, 3 } };/* A089840[9] */ % ((a . b) . c) --> ((b . c) . a) % % % A B B C % \ / \ / % X1 C --> Y1 A % \ / \ / % X0 Y0 gma089855(X0,Y0) :- cons(X1,C,X0), cons(A,B,X1), % -- cons(B,C,Y1), cons(Y1,A,Y0), !. gma089855(X,X). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % CLAUSE gmA089856[] = { CLAUSESEQ_begin(3,1), { 2, 1, 1, 4 } };/* A089840[10] */ % ((a . b) . c) --> ((c . b) . a) % % A B C B % \ / \ / % X1 C --> Y1 A % \ / \ / % X0 Y0 gma089856(X0,Y0) :- cons(X1,C,X0), cons(A,B,X1), % -- cons(C,B,Y1), cons(Y1,A,Y0), !. gma089856(X,X). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % CLAUSE gmA089857[] = { CLAUSESEQ_begin(3,1), { 2, 1, 1, 5 } };/* A089840[11] */ % ((a . b) . c) --> ((c . a) . b) % % A B C A % \ / \ / % X1 C --> Y1 B % \ / \ / % X0 Y0 gma089857(X0,Y0) :- cons(X1,C,X0), cons(A,B,X1), % -- cons(C,A,Y1), cons(Y1,B,Y0), !. gma089857(X,X). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% %% 10 Non-recursive gatomorphisms with two non-default clauses %% %% of 2 & 1 opening (closing) conses. %% %% %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% CLAUSE gmA074679[] = { CLAUSESEQ_begin(4,2), { 2, 0, 1, 0,}, { 1,0, 0, 1 } }; /* A089840[12] */ % (a . (b . c)) --> ((a . b) . c) % (a . ()) --> (() . a) % % B C A B % \ / \ / % A X1 --> Y1 C A [] --> [] A % \ / \ / \ / \ / % X0 Y0 X0 Y0 gma074679(X0,Y0) :- cons(A,X1,X0), cons(B,C,X1), % -- cons(A,B,Y1), cons(Y1,C,Y0), !. gma074679(X0,Y0) :- cons(A,B,X0), % B = [] by above clause. % -- cons(B,A,Y0), !. gma074679(X,X). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % CLAUSE gmA089858[] = { CLAUSESEQ_begin(4,2), { 2, 0, 1, 1,}, { 1, 0,0, 1 } }; /* A089840[13] */ % (a . (b . c)) --> ((b . a) . c) % (a . ()) --> (() . a) % % B C B A % \ / \ / % A X1 --> Y1 C A [] --> [] A % \ / \ / \ / \ / % X0 Y0 X0 Y0 gma089858(X0,Y0) :- cons(A,X1,X0), cons(B,C,X1), % -- cons(B,A,Y1), cons(Y1,C,Y0), !. gma089858(X0,Y0) :- cons(A,B,X0), % B = [] by above clause. % -- cons(B,A,Y0), !. gma089858(X,X). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % CLAUSE gmA073269[] = { CLAUSESEQ_begin(4,2), { 2, 0, 1, 2,}, { 1, 0,0, 1 } }; /* A089840[14] */ % (a . (b . c)) --> ((a . c) . b) % (a . ()) --> (() . a) % % B C A C % \ / \ / % A X1 --> Y1 B A [] --> [] A % \ / \ / \ / \ / % X0 Y0 X0 Y0 gma073269(X0,Y0) :- cons(A,X1,X0), cons(B,C,X1), % -- cons(A,C,Y1), cons(Y1,B,Y0), !. gma073269(X0,Y0) :- cons(A,B,X0), % -- cons(B,A,Y0), !. gma073269(X,X). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % CLAUSE gmA089859[] = { CLAUSESEQ_begin(4,2), { 2, 0, 1, 4,}, { 1, 0,0, 1 } }; /* A089840[15] */ % (a . (b . c)) --> ((c . b) . a) % (a . ()) --> (() . a) % % B C C B % \ / \ / % A X1 --> Y1 A A [] --> [] A % \ / \ / \ / \ / % X0 Y0 X0 Y0 gma089859(X0,Y0) :- cons(A,X1,X0), cons(B,C,X1), % -- cons(C,B,Y1), cons(Y1,A,Y0), !. gma089859(X0,Y0) :- cons(A,B,X0), % -- cons(B,A,Y0), !. gma089859(X,X). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % CLAUSE gmA089860[] = { CLAUSESEQ_begin(4,2), { 2, 0, 1, 5,}, { 1, 0,0, 1 } }; /* A089840[16] */ % (a . (b . c)) --> ((c . a) . b) % (a . ()) --> (() . a) % % B C C A % \ / \ / % A X1 --> Y1 B A [] --> [] A % \ / \ / \ / \ / % X0 Y0 X0 Y0 gma089860(X0,Y0) :- cons(A,X1,X0), cons(B,C,X1), % -- cons(C,A,Y1), cons(Y1,B,Y0), !. gma089860(X0,Y0) :- cons(A,B,X0), % -- cons(B,A,Y0), !. gma089860(X,X). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % CLAUSE gmA074680[] = { CLAUSESEQ_begin(4,2), { 2, 1, 0, 0 }, { 1, 0,0, 1 } }; /* A089840[17] */ % ((a . b) . c) --> (a . (b . c)) % (() . b) --> (b . ()) % % A B B C % \ / \ / % X1 C --> A Y1 [] B --> B [] % \ / \ / \ / \ / % X0 Y0 X0 Y0 gma074680(X0,Y0) :- cons(X1,C,X0), cons(A,B,X1), % -- cons(B,C,Y1), cons(A,Y1,Y0), !. gma074680(X0,Y0) :- cons(A,B,X0), % A = [] by above clause. % -- cons(B,A,Y0), !. gma074680(X,X). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % CLAUSE gmA089861[] = { CLAUSESEQ_begin(4,2), { 2, 1, 0, 1,}, { 1, 0,0, 1 } }; /* A089840[18] */ % ((a . b) . c) --> (b . (a . c)) % (() . b) --> (b . ()) % % A B A C % \ / \ / % X1 C --> B Y1 [] B --> B [] % \ / \ / \ / \ / % X0 Y0 X0 Y0 gma089861(X0,Y0) :- cons(X1,C,X0), cons(A,B,X1), % -- cons(A,C,Y1), cons(B,Y1,Y0), !. gma089861(X0,Y0) :- cons(A,B,X0), % -- cons(B,A,Y0), !. gma089861(X,X). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % CLAUSE gmA073270[] = { CLAUSESEQ_begin(4,2), { 2, 1, 0, 2,}, { 1, 0,0, 1 } }; /* A089840[19] */ % ((a . b) . c) --> (a . (c . b)) % (() . b) --> (b . ()) % % A B C B % \ / \ / % X1 C --> A Y1 [] B --> B [] % \ / \ / \ / \ / % X0 Y0 X0 Y0 gma073270(X0,Y0) :- cons(X1,C,X0), cons(A,B,X1), % -- cons(C,B,Y1), cons(A,Y1,Y0), !. gma073270(X0,Y0) :- cons(A,B,X0), % -- cons(B,A,Y0), !. gma073270(X,X). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % CLAUSE gmA089862[] = { CLAUSESEQ_begin(4,2), { 2, 1, 0, 3,}, { 1, 0,0, 1 } }; /* A089840[20] */ % ((a . b) . c) --> (b . (c . a)) % (() . b) --> (b . ()) % % A B C A % \ / \ / % X1 C --> B Y1 [] B --> B [] % \ / \ / \ / \ / % X0 Y0 X0 Y0 gma089862(X0,Y0) :- cons(X1,C,X0), cons(A,B,X1), % -- cons(C,A,Y1), cons(B,Y1,Y0), !. gma089862(X0,Y0) :- cons(A,B,X0), % -- cons(B,A,Y0), !. gma089862(X,X). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % CLAUSE gmA089863[] = { CLAUSESEQ_begin(4,2), { 2, 1, 0, 4,}, { 1, 0, 0, 1 } }; /* A089840[21] */ % ((a . b) . c) --> (c . (b . a)) % (() . b) --> (b . ()) % % A B B A % \ / \ / % X1 C --> C Y1 [] B --> B [] % \ / \ / \ / \ / % X0 Y0 X0 Y0 gma089863(X0,Y0) :- cons(X1,C,X0), cons(A,B,X1), % -- cons(B,A,Y1), cons(C,Y1,Y0), !. gma089863(X0,Y0) :- cons(A,B,X0), % -- cons(B,A,Y0), !. gma089863(X,X). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Note that the { CLAUSESEQ_begin(4,2), { 2, 0, 1, 3,}, { 1, 0,0, 1 } }; % is not used here, as it would result a duplicate of gma069770: % % (a . (b . c)) --> ((b . c) . a) % (a . ()) --> (() . a) % % B C B C % \ / \ / % A X1 --> Y1 A A [] --> [] A % \ / \ / \ / \ / % X0 Y0 X0 Y0 % Similarly for { CLAUSESEQ_begin(4,2), { 2, 1, 0, 5,}, { 1, 0, 0, 1 } }; % ((a . b) . c) --> (c . (a . b)) % (() . b) --> (b . ()) % % A B A B % \ / \ / % X1 C --> C Y1 [] B --> B [] % \ / \ / \ / \ / % X0 Y0 X0 Y0 % % which also is a duplicate of a simple swap (gma069770). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% %% Four examples out of 2570 non-recursive gatomorphisms with %% %% two non-default clauses of total 5 opening (closing) conses. %% %% %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% All the examples have 3 opening (closing) conses in the first %% clause, and 2 opening (closing) conses in the second. % CLAUSE gmA082353[] = { CLAUSESEQ_begin(24,2), { 3, 2, 0, 0 }, { 2, 0, 0, 3 } }; /* A089840[3886] */ % ((a . b) . (c . d)) --> (a . (b . (c . d))) % (a . (b . c)) --> (b . (c . a)) [a implied ()] % % C D % \ / % A B C D B Y2 B C C A % \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / % X1 X2 --> A Y1 A X1 --> B Y1 (A is []) % \ / \ / \ / \ / % X0 Y0 X0 Y0 gma082353(X0,Y0) :- cons(X1,X2,X0), cons(A,B,X1), cons(C,D,X2), % -- cons(C,D,Y2), %% Note: Y2 is equal to X2. cons(B,Y2,Y1), cons(A,Y1,Y0), !. % Above clause implies that A=[]. gma082353(X0,Y0) :- cons(A,X1,X0), cons(B,C,X1), % -- cons(C,A,Y1), cons(B,Y1,Y0), !. gma082353(X,X). %% Fix the rest, i.e. S-exprs of the form (a . ()) and () %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % CLAUSE gmA082354[] = { CLAUSESEQ_begin(24,2), { 3, 0, 2, 0 }, { 2, 0, 0, 5 } }; /* A089840[3702] */ % (a . (b . (c . d))) --> ((a . b) . (c . d)) % (a . (b . c)) --> (c . (a . b)) [c implied ()] % % C D % \ / % B X2 A B C D B C A B % \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / % A X1 --> Y1 Y2 A X1 --> C Y1 % \ / \ / \ / \ / % X0 Y0 X0 Y0 gma082354(X0,Y0) :- cons(A,X1,X0), cons(B,X2,X1), cons(C,D,X2), % -- cons(A,B,Y1), cons(C,D,Y2), % Note that Y2 is equal to X2. cons(Y1,Y2,Y0), !. gma082354(X0,Y0) :- cons(A,X1,X0), cons(B,C,X1), % C implied [] by above clause. % -- cons(A,B,Y1), cons(C,Y1,Y0), !. gma082354(X,X). %% Fix the rest, i.e. S-exprs of the form (a . ()) and () %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % CLAUSE gmA082351[] = { CLAUSESEQ_begin(24,2), { 3, 2, 4, 0 }, { 2, 1, 1, 5 } }; /* A089840[4069] */ % ((a . b) . (c . d)) --> (((a . b) . c) . d) % ((a . b) . c) --> ((c . a) . b) [c implied ()] % % A B % \ / % A B C D Y2 C A B [] A % \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / and by default: % X1 X2 --> Y1 D X1 [] --> Y1 B [] B [] B % \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / --> \ / % X0 Y0 X0 Y0 X0 Y0 gma082351(X0,Y0) :- cons(X1,X2,X0), cons(A,B,X1), cons(C,D,X2), % -- cons(A,B,Y2), %% Note: Y2 is equal to X1. cons(Y2,C,Y1), cons(Y1,D,Y0), !. % Above clause implies that C=[]. gma082351(X0,Y0) :- cons(X1,C,X0), cons(A,B,X1), % -- cons(C,A,Y1), cons(Y1,B,Y0), !. gma082351(X,X). %% Fix the rest, i.e. S-exprs of the form (() . b) and () %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % CLAUSE gmA082352[] = { CLAUSESEQ_begin(24,2), { 3, 4, 2, 0 }, { 2, 1, 1, 3 } }; /* A089840[4253] */ % (((a . b) . c) . d) --> ((a . b) . (c . d)) % ((a . b) . c) --> ((b . a) . a) [a implied ()] % % A B % \ / % X2 C A B C D [] B B C % \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / and by default: % X1 D --> Y1 Y2 X1 C --> Y1 [] [] A [] A % \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / --> \ / % X0 Y0 X0 Y0 X0 Y0 gma082352(X0,Y0) :- cons(X1,D,X0), cons(X2,C,X1), cons(A,B,X2), % -- cons(A,B,Y1), % Note that Y1 is equal to X2. cons(C,D,Y2), cons(Y1,Y2,Y0), !. gma082352(X0,Y0) :- cons(X1,C,X0), cons(A,B,X1), % A implied [] by above clause. % -- cons(B,C,Y1), cons(Y1,A,Y0), !. gma082352(X,X). %% Fix the rest, i.e. S-exprs of the form (() . b) and () %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% %% Two examples out of 20972 non-recursive gatomorphisms with %% %% three non-default clauses of total 7 opening (closing) conses. %% %% %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% All the examples have 3 opening (closing) conses in the first %% clause, and 2 opening (closing) conses in the second and the third one. % CLAUSE gmA073281[] = { CLAUSESEQ_begin(115,3), { 3, 1, 1, 7,}, { 2, 0, 1, 2 }, { 2, 1, 0, 2 } }; /* A089840[1654023] */ % % B C A D % \ / \ / % X2 D Y2 C B C A C A B C B % \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / % A X1 --> B Y1 A X1 --> Y1 B X1 C --> A Y1 % \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / % X0 Y0 X0 Y0 X0 Y0 % Note that if we come to the second clause, then B is implied (), % and if we come to the third clause, then C is implied (). gma073281(X0,Y0) :- cons(A,X1,X0), cons(X2,D,X1), cons(B,C,X2), % -- cons(A,D,Y2), cons(Y2,C,Y1), cons(B,Y1,Y0), !. gma073281(X0,Y0) :- cons(A,X1,X0), cons(B,C,X1), % -- cons(A,C,Y1), cons(Y1,B,Y0), !. gma073281(X0,Y0) :- cons(X1,C,X0), cons(A,B,X1), % -- cons(C,B,Y1), cons(A,Y1,Y0), !. gma073281(X,X). %% Fix the rest. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % The "square" of A089859/A089863. % CLAUSE gmA089864[] = { CLAUSESEQ_begin(115,3), { 3, 2, 2, 7,}, { 2, 0, 0, 2 }, { 2, 1, 1, 1 } }; /* A089840[1654694] */ % ((a . b) . (c . d)) --> ((b . a) . (d . c)) % (a . (b . c)) --> (a . (c . b)) [a implied ()] % ((a . b) . c) --> ((b . a) . c) [c implied ()] % % This involution effects the following transformation: % % A B C D B A D C B C C B A B B A % \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / % X1 X2 --> Y1 Y2 A X1 --> A Y1 X1 C --> Y1 C % \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / % X0 Y0 X0 Y0 X0 Y0 % % In Scheme this can be defined just as: % (define (gma089864! s) % (cond ((pair? s) % (if (pair? (car s)) (swap! (car s))) % (if (pair? (cdr s)) (swap! (cdr s))) % ) % ) % s % ) % where swap! has been defined as: % (define (swap! s) % (let ((ex-car (car s))) % (set-car! s (cdr s)) % (set-cdr! s ex-car) % s % ) % ) gma089864(X0,Y0) :- cons(X1,X2,X0), cons(A,B,X1), cons(C,D,X2), % -- cons(B,A,Y1), cons(D,C,Y2), cons(Y1,Y2,Y0), !. % Above clause implies that A=[]. gma089864(X0,Y0) :- cons(A,X1,X0), cons(B,C,X1), % -- cons(C,B,Y1), cons(A,Y1,Y0), !. % Above clauses impliy that C=[]. gma089864(X0,Y0) :- cons(X1,C,X0), cons(A,B,X1), % -- cons(B,A,Y1), cons(Y1,C,Y0), !. gma089864(X,X). %% Fix the rest, i.e. S-exprs () and (() . ()) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % An alternative version, which shows that the order of the last two clauses % is insignificant: % CLAUSE gmA089864b[] = { CLAUSESEQ_begin(115,3), { 3, 2, 2, 7,}, { 2, 1, 1, 1 }, { 2, 0, 0, 2 } }; % % Try: applyGatUptoN(gma089864,196,X), applyGatUptoN(gma089864b,196,Y), X == Y. gma089864b(X0,Y0) :- cons(X1,X2,X0), cons(A,B,X1), cons(C,D,X2), % -- cons(B,A,Y1), cons(D,C,Y2), cons(Y1,Y2,Y0), !. % Above clauses implies that C=[]. gma089864b(X0,Y0) :- cons(X1,C,X0), cons(A,B,X1), % -- cons(B,A,Y1), cons(Y1,C,Y0), !. % Above clause implies that A=[]. gma089864b(X0,Y0) :- cons(A,X1,X0), cons(B,C,X1), % -- cons(C,B,Y1), cons(A,Y1,Y0), !. gma089864b(X,X). %% Fix the rest, i.e. S-exprs () and (() . ()) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% applygat(gma001477,X,Y) :- gma001477(X,Y). applygat(gma069770,X,Y) :- gma069770(X,Y). applygat(gma072796,X,Y) :- gma072796(X,Y). applygat(gma089850,X,Y) :- gma089850(X,Y). applygat(gma089851,X,Y) :- gma089851(X,Y). applygat(gma089852,X,Y) :- gma089852(X,Y). applygat(gma089853,X,Y) :- gma089853(X,Y). applygat(gma089854,X,Y) :- gma089854(X,Y). applygat(gma072797,X,Y) :- gma072797(X,Y). applygat(gma089855,X,Y) :- gma089855(X,Y). applygat(gma089856,X,Y) :- gma089856(X,Y). applygat(gma089857,X,Y) :- gma089857(X,Y). applygat(gma074679,X,Y) :- gma074679(X,Y). applygat(gma089858,X,Y) :- gma089858(X,Y). applygat(gma073269,X,Y) :- gma073269(X,Y). applygat(gma089859,X,Y) :- gma089859(X,Y). applygat(gma089860,X,Y) :- gma089860(X,Y). applygat(gma074680,X,Y) :- gma074680(X,Y). applygat(gma089861,X,Y) :- gma089861(X,Y). applygat(gma073270,X,Y) :- gma073270(X,Y). applygat(gma089862,X,Y) :- gma089862(X,Y). applygat(gma089863,X,Y) :- gma089863(X,Y). applygat(gma082354,X,Y) :- gma082354(X,Y). applygat(gma082353,X,Y) :- gma082353(X,Y). applygat(gma082351,X,Y) :- gma082351(X,Y). applygat(gma082352,X,Y) :- gma082352(X,Y). applygat(gma073281,X,Y) :- gma073281(X,Y). applygat(gma089864,X,Y) :- gma089864(X,Y). applygat(gma089864b,X,Y) :- gma089864b(X,Y). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% signatperm(gma001477,U,X) :- applyGatUptoN(gma001477,U,X). signatperm(gma069770,U,X) :- applyGatUptoN(gma069770,U,X). signatperm(gma072796,U,X) :- applyGatUptoN(gma072796,U,X). signatperm(gma089850,U,X) :- applyGatUptoN(gma089850,U,X). signatperm(gma089851,U,X) :- applyGatUptoN(gma089851,U,X). signatperm(gma089852,U,X) :- applyGatUptoN(gma089852,U,X). signatperm(gma089853,U,X) :- applyGatUptoN(gma089853,U,X). signatperm(gma089854,U,X) :- applyGatUptoN(gma089854,U,X). signatperm(gma072797,U,X) :- applyGatUptoN(gma072797,U,X). signatperm(gma089855,U,X) :- applyGatUptoN(gma089855,U,X). signatperm(gma089856,U,X) :- applyGatUptoN(gma089856,U,X). signatperm(gma089857,U,X) :- applyGatUptoN(gma089857,U,X). signatperm(gma074679,U,X) :- applyGatUptoN(gma074679,U,X). signatperm(gma089858,U,X) :- applyGatUptoN(gma089858,U,X). signatperm(gma073269,U,X) :- applyGatUptoN(gma073269,U,X). signatperm(gma089859,U,X) :- applyGatUptoN(gma089859,U,X). signatperm(gma089860,U,X) :- applyGatUptoN(gma089860,U,X). signatperm(gma074680,U,X) :- applyGatUptoN(gma074680,U,X). signatperm(gma089861,U,X) :- applyGatUptoN(gma089861,U,X). signatperm(gma073270,U,X) :- applyGatUptoN(gma073270,U,X). signatperm(gma089862,U,X) :- applyGatUptoN(gma089862,U,X). signatperm(gma089863,U,X) :- applyGatUptoN(gma089863,U,X). signatperm(gma082354,U,X) :- applyGatUptoN(gma082354,U,X). signatperm(gma082353,U,X) :- applyGatUptoN(gma082353,U,X). signatperm(gma082351,U,X) :- applyGatUptoN(gma082351,U,X). signatperm(gma082352,U,X) :- applyGatUptoN(gma082352,U,X). signatperm(gma073281,U,X) :- applyGatUptoN(gma073281,U,X). signatperm(gma089864,U,X) :- applyGatUptoN(gma089864,U,X). signatperm(gma089864b,U,X) :- applyGatUptoN(gma089864b,U,X). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% applyGatToN(X,G,Y) :- n2s(X,S), applygat(G,S,T), n2s(Y,T). applyGatUptoN(G,U,W) :- applyGatUptoNaux(G,U,[],W). applyGatUptoNaux(_,-1,W,W) :- !. applyGatUptoNaux(G,U,Zs,W) :- applyGatToN(U,G,Z), V is U-1, applyGatUptoNaux(G,V,[Z|Zs],W). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% This table prepared with Scheme function (prepare-prolog-table 196) %% For the source see: %% http://www.iki.fi/~kartturi/matikka/Nekomorphisms/gatorank.scm %% We use green cuts as this is injective mapping: n2s(0,[]) :- !. n2s(1,[[]]) :- !. n2s(2,[[],[]]) :- !. n2s(3,[[[]]]) :- !. n2s(4,[[],[],[]]) :- !. n2s(5,[[],[[]]]) :- !. n2s(6,[[[]],[]]) :- !. n2s(7,[[[],[]]]) :- !. n2s(8,[[[[]]]]) :- !. n2s(9,[[],[],[],[]]) :- !. n2s(10,[[],[],[[]]]) :- !. n2s(11,[[],[[]],[]]) :- !. n2s(12,[[],[[],[]]]) :- !. n2s(13,[[],[[[]]]]) :- !. n2s(14,[[[]],[],[]]) :- !. n2s(15,[[[]],[[]]]) :- !. n2s(16,[[[],[]],[]]) :- !. n2s(17,[[[],[],[]]]) :- !. n2s(18,[[[],[[]]]]) :- !. n2s(19,[[[[]]],[]]) :- !. n2s(20,[[[[]],[]]]) :- !. n2s(21,[[[[],[]]]]) :- !. n2s(22,[[[[[]]]]]) :- !. n2s(23,[[],[],[],[],[]]) :- !. n2s(24,[[],[],[],[[]]]) :- !. n2s(25,[[],[],[[]],[]]) :- !. n2s(26,[[],[],[[],[]]]) :- !. n2s(27,[[],[],[[[]]]]) :- !. n2s(28,[[],[[]],[],[]]) :- !. n2s(29,[[],[[]],[[]]]) :- !. n2s(30,[[],[[],[]],[]]) :- !. n2s(31,[[],[[],[],[]]]) :- !. n2s(32,[[],[[],[[]]]]) :- !. n2s(33,[[],[[[]]],[]]) :- !. n2s(34,[[],[[[]],[]]]) :- !. n2s(35,[[],[[[],[]]]]) :- !. n2s(36,[[],[[[[]]]]]) :- !. n2s(37,[[[]],[],[],[]]) :- !. n2s(38,[[[]],[],[[]]]) :- !. n2s(39,[[[]],[[]],[]]) :- !. n2s(40,[[[]],[[],[]]]) :- !. n2s(41,[[[]],[[[]]]]) :- !. n2s(42,[[[],[]],[],[]]) :- !. n2s(43,[[[],[]],[[]]]) :- !. n2s(44,[[[],[],[]],[]]) :- !. n2s(45,[[[],[],[],[]]]) :- !. n2s(46,[[[],[],[[]]]]) :- !. n2s(47,[[[],[[]]],[]]) :- !. n2s(48,[[[],[[]],[]]]) :- !. n2s(49,[[[],[[],[]]]]) :- !. n2s(50,[[[],[[[]]]]]) :- !. n2s(51,[[[[]]],[],[]]) :- !. n2s(52,[[[[]]],[[]]]) :- !. n2s(53,[[[[]],[]],[]]) :- !. n2s(54,[[[[]],[],[]]]) :- !. n2s(55,[[[[]],[[]]]]) :- !. n2s(56,[[[[],[]]],[]]) :- !. n2s(57,[[[[],[]],[]]]) :- !. n2s(58,[[[[],[],[]]]]) :- !. n2s(59,[[[[],[[]]]]]) :- !. n2s(60,[[[[[]]]],[]]) :- !. n2s(61,[[[[[]]],[]]]) :- !. n2s(62,[[[[[]],[]]]]) :- !. n2s(63,[[[[[],[]]]]]) :- !. n2s(64,[[[[[[]]]]]]) :- !. n2s(65,[[],[],[],[],[],[]]) :- !. n2s(66,[[],[],[],[],[[]]]) :- !. n2s(67,[[],[],[],[[]],[]]) :- !. n2s(68,[[],[],[],[[],[]]]) :- !. n2s(69,[[],[],[],[[[]]]]) :- !. n2s(70,[[],[],[[]],[],[]]) :- !. n2s(71,[[],[],[[]],[[]]]) :- !. n2s(72,[[],[],[[],[]],[]]) :- !. n2s(73,[[],[],[[],[],[]]]) :- !. n2s(74,[[],[],[[],[[]]]]) :- !. n2s(75,[[],[],[[[]]],[]]) :- !. n2s(76,[[],[],[[[]],[]]]) :- !. n2s(77,[[],[],[[[],[]]]]) :- !. n2s(78,[[],[],[[[[]]]]]) :- !. n2s(79,[[],[[]],[],[],[]]) :- !. n2s(80,[[],[[]],[],[[]]]) :- !. n2s(81,[[],[[]],[[]],[]]) :- !. n2s(82,[[],[[]],[[],[]]]) :- !. n2s(83,[[],[[]],[[[]]]]) :- !. n2s(84,[[],[[],[]],[],[]]) :- !. n2s(85,[[],[[],[]],[[]]]) :- !. n2s(86,[[],[[],[],[]],[]]) :- !. n2s(87,[[],[[],[],[],[]]]) :- !. n2s(88,[[],[[],[],[[]]]]) :- !. n2s(89,[[],[[],[[]]],[]]) :- !. n2s(90,[[],[[],[[]],[]]]) :- !. n2s(91,[[],[[],[[],[]]]]) :- !. n2s(92,[[],[[],[[[]]]]]) :- !. n2s(93,[[],[[[]]],[],[]]) :- !. n2s(94,[[],[[[]]],[[]]]) :- !. n2s(95,[[],[[[]],[]],[]]) :- !. n2s(96,[[],[[[]],[],[]]]) :- !. n2s(97,[[],[[[]],[[]]]]) :- !. n2s(98,[[],[[[],[]]],[]]) :- !. n2s(99,[[],[[[],[]],[]]]) :- !. n2s(100,[[],[[[],[],[]]]]) :- !. n2s(101,[[],[[[],[[]]]]]) :- !. n2s(102,[[],[[[[]]]],[]]) :- !. n2s(103,[[],[[[[]]],[]]]) :- !. n2s(104,[[],[[[[]],[]]]]) :- !. n2s(105,[[],[[[[],[]]]]]) :- !. n2s(106,[[],[[[[[]]]]]]) :- !. n2s(107,[[[]],[],[],[],[]]) :- !. n2s(108,[[[]],[],[],[[]]]) :- !. n2s(109,[[[]],[],[[]],[]]) :- !. n2s(110,[[[]],[],[[],[]]]) :- !. n2s(111,[[[]],[],[[[]]]]) :- !. n2s(112,[[[]],[[]],[],[]]) :- !. n2s(113,[[[]],[[]],[[]]]) :- !. n2s(114,[[[]],[[],[]],[]]) :- !. n2s(115,[[[]],[[],[],[]]]) :- !. n2s(116,[[[]],[[],[[]]]]) :- !. n2s(117,[[[]],[[[]]],[]]) :- !. n2s(118,[[[]],[[[]],[]]]) :- !. n2s(119,[[[]],[[[],[]]]]) :- !. n2s(120,[[[]],[[[[]]]]]) :- !. n2s(121,[[[],[]],[],[],[]]) :- !. n2s(122,[[[],[]],[],[[]]]) :- !. n2s(123,[[[],[]],[[]],[]]) :- !. n2s(124,[[[],[]],[[],[]]]) :- !. n2s(125,[[[],[]],[[[]]]]) :- !. n2s(126,[[[],[],[]],[],[]]) :- !. n2s(127,[[[],[],[]],[[]]]) :- !. n2s(128,[[[],[],[],[]],[]]) :- !. n2s(129,[[[],[],[],[],[]]]) :- !. n2s(130,[[[],[],[],[[]]]]) :- !. n2s(131,[[[],[],[[]]],[]]) :- !. n2s(132,[[[],[],[[]],[]]]) :- !. n2s(133,[[[],[],[[],[]]]]) :- !. n2s(134,[[[],[],[[[]]]]]) :- !. n2s(135,[[[],[[]]],[],[]]) :- !. n2s(136,[[[],[[]]],[[]]]) :- !. n2s(137,[[[],[[]],[]],[]]) :- !. n2s(138,[[[],[[]],[],[]]]) :- !. n2s(139,[[[],[[]],[[]]]]) :- !. n2s(140,[[[],[[],[]]],[]]) :- !. n2s(141,[[[],[[],[]],[]]]) :- !. n2s(142,[[[],[[],[],[]]]]) :- !. n2s(143,[[[],[[],[[]]]]]) :- !. n2s(144,[[[],[[[]]]],[]]) :- !. n2s(145,[[[],[[[]]],[]]]) :- !. n2s(146,[[[],[[[]],[]]]]) :- !. n2s(147,[[[],[[[],[]]]]]) :- !. n2s(148,[[[],[[[[]]]]]]) :- !. n2s(149,[[[[]]],[],[],[]]) :- !. n2s(150,[[[[]]],[],[[]]]) :- !. n2s(151,[[[[]]],[[]],[]]) :- !. n2s(152,[[[[]]],[[],[]]]) :- !. n2s(153,[[[[]]],[[[]]]]) :- !. n2s(154,[[[[]],[]],[],[]]) :- !. n2s(155,[[[[]],[]],[[]]]) :- !. n2s(156,[[[[]],[],[]],[]]) :- !. n2s(157,[[[[]],[],[],[]]]) :- !. n2s(158,[[[[]],[],[[]]]]) :- !. n2s(159,[[[[]],[[]]],[]]) :- !. n2s(160,[[[[]],[[]],[]]]) :- !. n2s(161,[[[[]],[[],[]]]]) :- !. n2s(162,[[[[]],[[[]]]]]) :- !. n2s(163,[[[[],[]]],[],[]]) :- !. n2s(164,[[[[],[]]],[[]]]) :- !. n2s(165,[[[[],[]],[]],[]]) :- !. n2s(166,[[[[],[]],[],[]]]) :- !. n2s(167,[[[[],[]],[[]]]]) :- !. n2s(168,[[[[],[],[]]],[]]) :- !. n2s(169,[[[[],[],[]],[]]]) :- !. n2s(170,[[[[],[],[],[]]]]) :- !. n2s(171,[[[[],[],[[]]]]]) :- !. n2s(172,[[[[],[[]]]],[]]) :- !. n2s(173,[[[[],[[]]],[]]]) :- !. n2s(174,[[[[],[[]],[]]]]) :- !. n2s(175,[[[[],[[],[]]]]]) :- !. n2s(176,[[[[],[[[]]]]]]) :- !. n2s(177,[[[[[]]]],[],[]]) :- !. n2s(178,[[[[[]]]],[[]]]) :- !. n2s(179,[[[[[]]],[]],[]]) :- !. n2s(180,[[[[[]]],[],[]]]) :- !. n2s(181,[[[[[]]],[[]]]]) :- !. n2s(182,[[[[[]],[]]],[]]) :- !. n2s(183,[[[[[]],[]],[]]]) :- !. n2s(184,[[[[[]],[],[]]]]) :- !. n2s(185,[[[[[]],[[]]]]]) :- !. n2s(186,[[[[[],[]]]],[]]) :- !. n2s(187,[[[[[],[]]],[]]]) :- !. n2s(188,[[[[[],[]],[]]]]) :- !. n2s(189,[[[[[],[],[]]]]]) :- !. n2s(190,[[[[[],[[]]]]]]) :- !. n2s(191,[[[[[[]]]]],[]]) :- !. n2s(192,[[[[[[]]]],[]]]) :- !. n2s(193,[[[[[[]]],[]]]]) :- !. n2s(194,[[[[[[]],[]]]]]) :- !. n2s(195,[[[[[[],[]]]]]]) :- !. n2s(196,[[[[[[[]]]]]]]) :- !.