From: Alexander Vardy Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2002 15:02:58 -0800 (PST) Comments on and program for A069098. A recent conversation re-kindled my interest in a very old sequence of mine (now A069098). Let Z_q be the ring of integers modulo q . A minimal annihilator polynomial over Z_q is a monic polynomial M_q(x) of the least possible degree, such that M_q(alpha) = 0 in Z_q for all alpha in Z_q When q is prime, it is trivial to show that deg M_q(x) = q and the polynomial M_q(x) = x^q - x is the unique minimal annihilator. In general, it is not too difficult to prove that deg M_q(x) = chi(q) where chi(q) is the smallest integer such that chi(q)! is divisible by q (try this!). The function chi(q) is known as the Smarandache function. What is more interesting is the exact number of distinct minimal annihilators over Z_q for a general q . The exhaustive search program I wrote ~10 years ago is quite inefficient. A better program is likely to produce a few more terms ( q = 22 is a stumbling point because chi(22) = 11 , the highest value of chi(q) for q < 22 is 7). What happens beyond that is an interesting open problem. Alex /************************************************************************** * * * annihilators.c: produces all the minimal annihilators by exhaustive * * search * * * * Written by: Alexander Vardy * * IBM Almaden Research Center, K65/802 * * 650 Harry Rd., San Jose, CA 95120 * * Tel: (408)927-2232 * * e-mail: vardy(AT) * * * * Date: January 8, 1993. * * * * * ***************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************** * * * INCLUDES * * * **************************************************************************/ #include #include /************************************************************************** * * * DEFINES * * * **************************************************************************/ #define q 6 #define chi 3 /*@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@* * * * MAIN * * * *@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@*/ void main() { /*--------------------------INTERNAL VARIABLES---------------------------*/ int g[chi+1]; int alpha; int power_alpha,g_alpha; int N; int i,j; /*------ Find all the minimal annihilators by exhaustive serach --------*/ N = 0; fprintf(stdout,"** Minimal annihilators found for q = %d: ", q); for ( j = 0; j <= chi; j++ ) g[j] = 0; g[chi] = 1; do { /* generate g(x) */ next_g: for ( i = 1; i <= chi; i++ ) { if ( g[i] < (q-1) ) { (g[i])++; for ( j = 1; j < i; j++ ) g[j] = 0; break; } } if ( i >= chi ) goto exit_loop; /* check if g(x) is an annihilator */ for ( alpha = 1; alpha < q; alpha++ ) { g_alpha = 0; for ( i = 1, power_alpha = 1; i <= chi; i++ ) { power_alpha = (alpha*power_alpha) % q; g_alpha += (g[i]*power_alpha) % q; } if ( (g_alpha % q) != 0 ) goto next_g; } /* print out the new annihilator */ N++; for ( j = 0; j <= chi; j++ ) fprintf(stdout,"%6d ", g[j]); fprintf(stdout," "); } while (0 == 0); exit_loop:; fprintf(stdout,"** Total number of minimal annihilators found: %d ",N); } /* end MAIN */