 The University of Melbourne

"Extreme" series related to the square lattice Ising model susceptibility.

First a bit of notation. The `natural' variables are s=sinh(2J/kT) and w=s/(2(1+s2)).
However, the series for the full χ are in the high-temperature variable v=s/2 and the low-temperature variable u=1/(2s)2.

Some exact results related to the square lattice Ising model susceptibility.

The first two n-particle contributions to the susceptibility are known exactly.
For the next two exact ODEs are known and for n=5 the ODE is known mod a prime.

Low-temperature expansions for the square lattice spin-S Ising model.

The various series are available below. For each value of S (1, 3/2, 2, 5/2 or 3) there are series for the spontaneous magnetisation, susceptibility, specific heat and zero-field partition function. The series are given in terms of the variable u=exp[-J/kTS^2]. Note that the susceptibility and specific heat series start at order 4S (all series coefficients at orders below 4S are identically zero).

Created:  24 April, 2000
Last modified: 18 September, 2000