Page maison de Simon Plouffe
Home page of Simon Plouffe

See new graphs of distributions mod 1
from the OEIS database
and the surprising Tau function of Ramanujan (A000594)

Entrevue à l'émission Les Années Lumière du 15 octobre 2006,
commentaires sur le récent record de mémorisation de Pi à 100000 décimales

New identities for Pi and the Zeta function pdf html

Current directories of all documents

Algorithm for the n'th binary digit of Pi
 Algorithm for the n'th decimal digit of Pi

the Inverter

Generalized expansions of real numbers, an experiment with 2949 mathematical constants and expansions with various algorithms.

Distributions mod 1, interesting graphics with simple functions like 2^n mod p and others.

Entretien du magazine La Recherche de décembre 2005, La classification des constantes

radio interviews (radio-canada)
Les nombres premiers

Le jeu de Sudoku
Qui a peur des mathématiques : un reportage de Sophie-André Blondin,
les années-lumière à Radio-Canada, le 26 sept. 2004
entrevue à C'est bien meilleur le matin :

Archives of citations and documents from the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences
Dynamic link to documents with Google  within the LaCim and CiteSeer engine

A search for a mathematical expression for mass ratios using a large database pdf  summary table
Exact formulas for some Integer Sequences pdf
All the results in increasing length of expression for all mass ratios
One of the results is : Mn/Mp = neutron-proton ratio=1.0013784197796...
compared to the real value which is 1.00137841870 with an error of +/- 0.00000000058

That value (if true) would be this algebraic number :

Graphs of integer relations
Reflection of light rays in a cup of coffee  in blue
Tables of mathematical constants and numbers
1031 generating functions and conjectures
The Art of Inspired Guessing(August 7, 1998) .
A new formula for Zeta(5) inspired from Ramanujan Notebooks
A ruler and compass constructionto compute arctan(x)/Pi in binary and bit by bit from the Journal of Integer Sequences. 1998.
The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, with Neil J.A. Sloane, 1995.

a classic document : Tables of Mathematical Functions by Milton Abramowitz and Irene A. Stegun in PDF and OCRized

A Passion for Pi by Ivars Peterson
17'th on the Pi world ranking list
1000-club of Olle the greatest
Récitation de Pi en français basé sur une pile HyperCard
The ISC and my old home page.
Pick a digit, any digit by Ivars Peterson
Obsession de Pi par Jean-Paul Delahaye
From numbers to formula by Ivars Peterson
A question of numbers by Brian Hayes
Next in line by Ivars Peterson
Certitudes sans démonstration par Jean-Paul Delahaye
Plouffe's Constant by Steve Finch
Plouffe's Constant by Eric Weisstein
The BBP algorithm at mathword (Wolfram)
Squaring the circle is no piece of Pi by Bruce Watson of Smithsonian Institute : also here
Le Prix de Reconnaissance UQAM 2004
(photo of the award)
group photo
Personnalité de la semaine La Presse
Entrevue avec Franco Nuovo (Radio-Canada), 20040426.mp3 (5 min 25s)
entrevue de Robert Lamarche (Radio-Canada), Les années-lumières, le dimanche 6 juin 2004
Tableau d'honneur du Science Express

Formula for the Bernoulli numbers (Jan. 14 2003)  where p is prime, { } is the fractional part and [ ] is the floor function, n is even. This formula is a consequence of the Von-Staudt-Clausen theorem
The computation of B(250000), the 250000'th Bernoulli number , B(400000) , B(500000), B(600000), B(750000)

found in 1993 using the LLL algorithm,
T(n) is the n'th Tribonacci number is the nearest integer to this formula :
Here is the sequence generated by the formula : 



      Zeta(5) identity (1998) see also :Identities for Zeta(2*n+1) found using LLL algorithm inspired by Ramanujan Notebooks. 1998